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This is done to prevent the build-up of oil on the skin which in turn will prevent the occurrence of acne. Basic hygiene is the single best solution to acne problems in oily skin. 3. Remove Make-up Another reason why pores are clogged is the interaction of chemicals and oil on the skin. To prevent this, avoid sleeping while there is still make-up on your skin. Moisturize The skin on the face needs to be kept moisturize all the time as this is the part of the skin that is often exposed to the sun and the harsh environment. Moisturizing the skin will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and lines that may let you appear older than you really are. 4. Cleansing routine It is important that one follow a cleansing routine every day. Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant Vitamin C is known to play a crucial role in the oxidation process. It prevents free radicals from destroying the skin. Free radicals are caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun and its reaction with oxygen. Vitamin C stimulates Collagen The vitamin helps synthesize collagen, a component of the skin that is essential in slowing down the aging process of the skin. Always keep your skin clean Although you would not really know for sure if your skin is clean or not, it is always a good idea to practice a little bit of hygiene just so that you can prevent your skin from the onset of acne. Although some people may survive with only water as facial wash, most people would use soap or cleansers to help keep their skin clean. The very first thing to do to solve acne problems is to trace the causes of acne for you to understand what should be done about it. 2. Make a little review of your lifestyle for the past few years or months and look if you have been neglecting so much skin and body care lately. 3. Make sure that you get enough sleep of at least 8 hours or more. With today s global warming, it is a must that people wear sunscreen or sun block to avoid the harsh rays of the sun. If you want to maintain a younger looking skin, look for anti-aging sunscreens that are suited for your skin type. 4. Antioxidants. Antioxidants through the use of vitamins or by eating foods that have high anti-oxidant content can help your skin cells bind the free radicals that usually cause aging or death of skin cells. 

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