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It is better that you make it natural so as to let the skin breathe. 4. Minimize scratching or even touching your face. Remember that sensitive skin tend to pick up dirt and grime easily and react to it. Prevent irritation by minimizing contact with your skin. This is especially true with your face as this is the most sensitive skin area on the body. Besides the almond eyes or doe eyes that most women salivate for; the luscious lips or the patrician nose, one should have flawless skin. This however is easier said than done. Although there are people who are gifted with the perfect skin, there are some, the majority in fact, who have to struggle everyday just to take care of their skin. Facial Skin Care Tips You Need To Know Taking care of the skin especially the facial skin can be really tricky especially if you have the most sensitive skin. This can be a problem as sensitive skin gets easily irritated when in contact with harsh ingredients and abrasive objects. This makes choosing of facial products all the more difficult and crucial. Basic hygiene is the single best solution to acne problems in oily skin. 3. Remove Make-up Another reason why pores are clogged is the interaction of chemicals and oil on the skin. To prevent this, avoid sleeping while there is still make-up on your skin. This is actually a no-no for all skin types but all the more important for people with oily skin. Acne skin care treatment products that have antibiotics have been long known as effective solution in treating moderate to severe and persistent acne. Oral treatments include products that contain tetracycline, erythromycin, minocycline and doxycycline are known to be effective. Most people consider topical acne medication or treatments through creams and surgery as other options in treating acne. Always keep your skin well hydrated by having enough liquid supply in your body by drinking lots of water or juices. Water or liquid intake should be 8 glasses or more daily. 4. If you re a woman, make facial skin care as your top priority by removing your make-up before sleeping. This would prevent skin pore clogging and congestion.
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