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ULTIMATE Skincare Routine for GLASS Skin

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This makes choosing of facial products all the more difficult and crucial. Still, there are basic tips that one must know in taking care of the skin. 1. Never ever sleep while still wearing your make-up This is perhaps the most cardinal rule when it comes to facial care. Make-up that is left on overnight can clog the pores and trap the dead skin cells inside with the hair follicles. This however is prevalent in these times, as men have finally realized the advantages of deep cleaning his pores to prevent pimples and acne from settling in. The Anthony Logistics Deep Pore Cleansing Clay, is one of the best in the line. It combines the properties of flowers with vitamins and purified clay to help the skin absorb excess oils, remove impurities and toxins as well as tighten the pores. Most experts agree that people can minimize premature aging of skin by arming themselves with knowledge about the aging process, its causes, and look for possible natural solutions like going back to healthy living by doing regular exercise, having balanced diet and developing a healthy lifestyle. But if these natural options can no longer work, various anti-aging skin care treatments and programs are available in the market today. It s all about prevention Serious skin care should not only involve ways to combat the aging process when it has already settled in but also to prevent the onset of the aging process. One must remember that serious skin care does not just involve a fight but also prevention. This is actually something that people should also inculcate. High fiber fruits like bananas are also highly recommended as they are able to improve on digestion and metabolism. 3. Water Not only will water help you in washing your face, drinking lots of it will also help you get rid of the toxins in the body. In fact, one of the secrets to having great skin is drinking lots of water. Remember that it is a cardinal rule to always remove the make-up before going to sleep. Turning in the night with make-up on will only result in clogged pores and eventually, acne. Although there are products that go great for certain types of skin, experts recommend the use of mild soap especially to those who have sensitive skins. 

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