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Living With Stuttering | Kim Ball, Education Specialist and Stutterer

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As you try to find your voice and as you begin getting rid of initial nervousness, you will eventually learn to speak in more fluent terms. 4. Another good way to build up your confidence while speaking with other people is by looking them in the eyes. You will feel the connection by maintaining eye contact, and this is also a good exercise to complete your thoughts and ideas. That means it affects young children at a stage when they are learning how to speak and form language. Children who are still in the process of developing their speech and language tend to stutter when they speak. It occurs when children rack up their brain for the right words to convey their message. Do you often feel embarrassed whenever your friends make fun of how you speak? For sure, you are wondering if there is any cure for stuttering. Unfortunately, no magic pill or miracle can stop this speech problem. However, here s the good news: there are several methods that can help you reduce your tendency to stutter. For children between two to five years old, it is normal for them to stutter as they develop their speaking abilities. That will go away on its own. But if the stammering lasts beyond six months and occurs often with the symptoms mentioned above, then your child needs medical attention. If left untreated, stammering in children may lead to worse symptoms such as emotional problems, avoiding situations when the child has to speak, and poor performance in school. His program focuses on fixing underlying problems causing the symptoms and changing physiological processes with emphasis on normal speech and perpetual processes. The program aims to teach patients to become their own therapists. In addition, it aims to improve their communicative skill through self-perception, volition, effectiveness, and naturalness. Scientific evidences later developed based on neurological motor and sensory deficits. These genetic abnormalities are combined with motor control deficits, learned behaviours, and psychological deficits as combined cause of stuttering. Following these theories, still several pharmaceutical agents are invented to cure the disorder. 

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