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The most common danger with water-based sports is drowning but you can easily avoid this when you have the right gears. Another danger in surfing is collision. It is important that you surf in a location without any physical hurdles, like sandbars, rocks, reefs, and even other surfers. Other dangers include riptides, hidden reefs, and shallow waters. Extreme cases is what you are carried by the waves deep down into the water so you need to have the necessarily skills to propel yourself up before you run out of air or lose consciousness. If you're not a good swimmer then you better wear something that floats, like life jacket. Safety Tip # 3: Don t Share A Wave With Other Surfers It is an important rule among surfers not to steal the scene from another surfer, especially if you're thinking about cutting them off on the next swell. However, having veteran surfers in surf schools teach you the right way to surf in a methodological way can make for a quick and easy study. Different Schools, Different Approach Before you enroll in s surfing school, you first need to keep in mind that they comes in assorted shapes and sizes; meaning, they vary in terms of how they are going to cram 300 years of surfing knowledge into your head without leaving you with a migraine later on. Avoid Cramps Did you know that a lot of surfing accidents is often attributed to getting muscle cramp while doing their feats along the waves? Some surfers drown because their muscle cramped up during swimming or getting wiped out because their muscles gave way on them as they maneuver their boards. If you don t want suffer life-threatening situations during surfing then you need to have a regular habit of training your muscles to withstand the stress. Also, since you will be constantly exposed to moderate to strong winds for a successful kite surfing experience, it is important that you wear a wet suit to keep your body temperature in normal range. As a safety precaution, it is normal to carry a knife with you during wind surfing. If you think that you're going out of control and you think that your kite is dragging you off the water then you can just cut the lines instead of just unhooking the straps connecting you to it. Another is to try your balance out while practicing out in the waves, just make sure that you are close to shore when you do that so you won't have to worry about drowning when hit by a wave with your inexperience. Step 3: Training Your Body Aside from developing the right balance to maneuver your board in any surfing condition, it is also important that you introduce in your program different sets of surfing exercises to improve your overall power and stamina. 

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