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However, there are certain weather conditions that offer more favorable surfing conditions, especially for experts looking for better challenges. Such is the case; it is best if you are equipped to handle the possible life-threatening scenarios brought about by these extreme weather scenarios. For example, if the waves are huge and the surfspot you're going to be surfing are turbulent at best then you need to make sure that you have the right equipment to keep your heads out of the water to avoid drowning. Seasoned Experts We can easily say that surfing schools can vary from an internationally-known school to tutorials from experts in a local surfing kiosk. Keep in mind that your learning experience, as well as the speed on how fast you will be getting the right skills for the activity, will all depend on the capability of your instructor. There are also boards with a leash you can tie to your ankle so you won't have to worry about parting with it when you get wiped out by a huge wave. Selection of a board for surfing should be decided on your personal preference and not just for looks alone. Beginners might want to start with lightweight boards to give you better control and maneuverability. Do squats and stretch while you're still on the beach to get your muscles ready for the task ahead. It might also be a good idea to do a little bit of bending exercises for added flexibility and to loosen up your joints. Safety Tip # 2: Wear Something That Floats An important requirement expected of a surfer before challenging the waves is that they should know how to swim in case they are thrown off their boards. Getting a Board The first step to learn surfing is to first get your own board that you will be using for the sport. Surfing classes will provide you with basic boards to practice but having your own develops a familiarity with your equipment that is quite convenient for you later on. If it's your first time to buy a board then you might want to ask an expert to give you some tips on how to pick the right one. Despite the expense, surfers would go out of their way to get the best surfboards that money can buy to compliment their skills when out performing on the water. Group Activities Surfers tend to be a crowd -- surfers group among themselves to share experiences and to plan surfing trips to take them in new surfspots and enjoy new thrills with their sport. 

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