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A Look At Gingivitis And Periodontal Disease Gum disease, also known as gingivitis, is a serious condition that will normally result in tooth loss. With adults, gingivitis and periodontal disease are the most common forms of gum disease. To prevent both types of gum disease, you should always brush your teeth and remove as much plaque as possible. Once the bone starts to dissolve, the pressure will be greatly reduced, although the infection will still be there. Even though you will get relief, the infection will get worse - and the pain will always come back. Once more of the bone has been dissolved, there will be nothing left to support the tooth, meaning that it will become loose and end up needing to be extracted. Tinctures are natural remedies that use herbs and alcohol to massage the affected area and stop the pain by numbing the nerves of the tooth that is causing you so much pain. The best way to deal with toothache is to put out the fire. If you manage to put the fire out, the pain will follow. Even though the pain may go away, the problem will still be there until you go to the dentist and get it treated. An antibiotic will normally cure infections, although a dry socket isn t considered to be an infection. The best way to fight a dry socket is to go back to your dentist and have him pack the socket. Packing the socket is done without any anesthesia and can be quite painful. It doesn t take long to complete, and it can provide relief from the pain. A Close Look At Wisdom Teeth Also known as the third set of molars, the wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth in the mouth to erupt, which normally happens around the ages of 17 - 25. For many years, there has been a lot of controversy as to the need to remove these teeth. If the teeth don t cause any harm or pain, they are normally fine to stay in place. The sensitivity will begin going away, giving you almost immediate relief. When you brush, make sure you brush gently, and avoid using any type of force, as it will always cause your gums to recede again. In the event that using Sensodyne and fluoride mouthwash doesn t help, you should ask your dentist about other options available to you.
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