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The Science Behind Tooth Sensitivity: Causes and Treatments

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If he is going to pull or cut out your teeth, you ll have the option of using local anaesthesia or going with an IV sedation. An IV sedation is the preferred way to have wisdom teeth extracted, as you ll be so relaxed you won t know what is going on. If you decide to just use local anaesthesia, which is numbing, you ll be fully aware of the procedure. You ll also hear the popping and cracking involved, which can make you feel quite uncomfortable. Depending on the shape, size, and the formation of the wisdom teeth, the removal process can vary from easy to hard. If the root tips have managed to wrap themselves around the bone, the removal process can be very time consuming and quite painful. Normally, this condition presents tooth pain after drinking cold liquid, eating hot or cold foods, or breathing cold air. If the pain becomes too much to bear, you should immediately see your dentist, as the nerve of your tooth could be exposed. Normally, sensitive teeth starts when the gums begin to pull away from the teeth. Whatever you do, you should never try to put it back in the socket. If you can make it to the dentist in time, he may be able to put the tooth back in place. If you ve had a tooth come out of place, you can normally reposition it with your fingers. You shouldn t use a lot of force, simply because it could damage the tooth. During the procedure, he will numb the area then drill a hole into the tooth. Using various tools and equipment, he will go down inside of the tooth and scrape away the nerves and dead pulp. This is a very effective procedure, although very time consuming as well. In most cases, a root canal can take several hours, although it is the only way to stop the dying pulp and save the tooth. If you don t get problems fixed as soon as you can, they can spread and cause you more problems with your teeth. Cavities will need to be filled, while the rotten or dying teeth will need to be extracted. If caught in time, the dentist can normally save the tooth via root canal. The most common way to stop the pain of a toothache is by using a pharmaceutical such as Ambesol. 

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