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Unlike the Italian white, they need to simmer slowly along with the dish. Oregon white truffles are very much like the Italian white, it is white and juicy. They are very versatile. It could go well with the kinds of dishes listed in the Italian white. It could be used both raw or cooked along with the sauce or the dish. Another in-demand truffle variety is the white winter truffle that features a tan, smooth exterior skin and a creamy white flesh. Also known as the Piedmont truffle or white diamond truffle, this mushroom tastes like garlic and smells sweeter than the black winter truffle. It is also more expensive than its better known brother because demand for it out numbers supply. Aside from being expensive, what else do we know about them? Truffles are considered rare and a delicacy in some countries. Truffles are hypogeous mushrooms, meaning, they have to be dug out. But it is not the entire mushroom or fungi, the truffle is only the fruit. The body of the fungi is the hyphae found in the soil. Other varieties and truffle-like species also grow in North Africa. Truffles have risen to popularity because these are used in various gourmet restaurants to come up with dishes that use truffles as main or substitute ingredient. Here are some of the most common types of truffles that are being used in gourmet dishes: - the Oregon white truffle or Tuber oregonense and T. It is also found in oak trees unlike other types that can be found in other types of trees. Black Truffles are hunted from late autumn to early winter. During these seasons, Black Truffles grow at their best ranging from 7 to 9 centimeters in diameter and could weigh from 80 grams to 100. Because of the rarity of this mushroom, the production of Black Truffles has been made almost exclusively in the European countries. The Sensual Appeal of Truffle Smell Did you know that during the pre-historic Greek and Roman civilizations, truffles were used as an aphrodisiac? Yes, truffles have been used for centuries not only as a delicacy or natural medicine. Their alluring aroma stirs a sensual feeling, so it s little wonder that truffles are regarded as the culinary counterpart of sex. 

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