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After the wedding, you ascend in the helicopter and be met with a limousine and spend the night in Las Vegas. 4. Your Favorite Animal or Insect Wedding It would be truly one-of-a-kind if you designed your wedding around your favorite animal or insect. Doves, butterflies and dolphins are beautiful creatures that would add beauty to your wedding set. The wedding cake tradition originated back during the medieval era. It is required of for each one of the wedding guest to bring a petite cake. These cakes would be stacked up and arranged in layers. These stacks of cakes would ultimately become as one cake. Our contemporary wedding cake is said to evolve from this traditional practice. So what are the must-haves on your wedding that involve your wedding flowers? All wedding florists ensure these things. You cannot do away with your church wedding without these. You would need flowers to be placed at the entrance, aisle and the altar. You would also need flowers at the reception which includes the entrance, and table centerpieces. It is no easy task to shoulder the aches and pains of executing the whole plan. He or she will take on all the legwork needed as you go on with your usual lifestyle and focus on the more personal matters. The wedding planner will definitely be one of your precious companions to put into action the wedding of your dreams. Better yet, do the ceremony in a trellis and this can be the focal point of the event. A trellis can be best embellished with Spanish moss and ivy. This can also be added with some fresh flowers that will complement the motif and the gown of the bride. Conclusion You can easily enjoy the wedding of your dreams through the garden theme. The couple may then choose to be married by the Marriage Officer through a civil ceremony or have their wedding in a church by a Registered Minister. Legal requirements Both the bride and groom need valid passports and birth certificates. Witnesses, if not Cyprus nationals, will also be required to produce passports. 

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