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5 Things To Know Before You Adopt A Dog | Life Kit | NPR

Brain Training For Dogs

Turn Your Dog Into A Genius

Professional Dog Trainer Reveals 21 'Brain Games' That Will Skyrocket Your Dog's Intelligence, Obedience, And Overall Behavior!

In the strict sense though and for differentiation, dogs that do not work and do not particularly excel at any task other than companionship is a companion dog. When the decision for adopting a dog is to have a companion, the choices will be limited generally to smaller dog breeds that are expected to serve no particular task other than as a pet and as a comforter. So if you are interested in knowing the conditions from where the dog you are planning to adopt came from, a rescue group is the best place for you to begin your search. On top of these, rescue groups are very specific about the breeds they accept. They also shelter their dogs in actual homes, not in kennels. Dog personalities differ, as much as moods and temperaments differ. Temperaments are even more pronounced with active and athletic dog breeds. Although most dogs would want an outside walk most of the time, there will be occasions when the dog would rather stay at home. Barring that the dog is ill; you could make every walk in the park as enjoyable an experience for both you and the dog. The dogs in the animal shelters, on the other hand, rely on their animal instincts to find their suitable owners. If this is the case for you, it is advisable to first test the dog. Do this by allowing the potential dog to sniff you. Ignore it for a few minutes while observing its behavior. The ideal dog is not clingy to its owner. When decided in adopting a dog, choose dog characteristics and traits that you want. If you lead an active lifestyle for example, do not adopt a dog with a phlegmatic character that will be content to hang around the house much of the time, eating, and sleeping. To select the right dog, select those that closely resemble your lifestyle. Adopting A Dog The Working Dogs The following dog types are commonly available for adoption in rescue homes and animal shelters: Sporting Dogs Dogs that are largely used as sporting dogs breeds are the spaniels, pointers, setters and retrievers. Sporting dogs is a product of years of breeding to come out with dogs that work closely with their owners and are comfortable on land, and is not intimidated by water. 

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