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Brain Training For Dogs

Turn Your Dog Into A Genius

Professional Dog Trainer Reveals 21 'Brain Games' That Will Skyrocket Your Dog's Intelligence, Obedience, And Overall Behavior!

You could already take a more firm control when the pup appears to be comfortable being restrained. Tug gently at the leash when he wanders to places that are not good for him. Be gentle when doing so to minimize the threat as much as possible. Eventually the pup will not mind being restrained. If in your judgment the time is good, that would be the time to take the pup out. It could even look like the basic structure of your house with the inside looking like your room. It could be constructed to look like a chalet, a lean to, a box or a cage. There are a lot of choices. The only must is that the doghouse will fit the dog enough to have him move comfortably and that the roof will not be so hot during summer months. Unless you are adopting a puppy that has been sheltered by a rescue group or one that can be taken directly from its original owner, you should be wary about adopting a very young dog. Only rescue groups keep tab of their dogs' sources, observe their temperament, and investigate into their dogs' history. In the strict sense though and for differentiation, dogs that do not work and do not particularly excel at any task other than companionship is a companion dog. When the decision for adopting a dog is to have a companion, the choices will be limited generally to smaller dog breeds that are expected to serve no particular task other than as a pet and as a comforter. If you are undergoing or anticipating to undergo these tough situations, it will be better that you don t adopt a dog yet. Many dogs have been surrendered to animal shelters because their old families didn t have the time to take care of them or the leisure to pay them some attention. Dogs need ample attention during their first few weeks of stay at your home. A socialized puppy should be comfortable with human touch. If it isn t, it is probably the most aggressive puppy or the least trustful. Either way, you should find one that is both placid but quite aggressive. You need both in a dog. Check out the puppy's breed. The puppy's breed often determines its general trait when it's fully grown. 

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