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If the condition is more serious, heavy blistering, peeling, and cracking of the skin and occasional bleeding may be evident along with the appearance of white and wet scales on the foot s surface. Other symptoms and signs of athlete s foot may include: - Noticeable bumps on the feet. - Cracked, blistered, or peeling areas, often found in the toe webs. Air out your shoes Make it a habit to always air out your rubber shoes after use so that it will be dry inside. This is especially true if you have used it for so long during the day and there is sweat inside. Wear sandals When inside locker rooms or when walking by the poolside or anywhere moist, wear sandals. If the case is serious, oral treatment with griseofulvin is usually advised because these provide long lasting cure. Aside from curing the skin condition through the use of either topical or oral medication, a patient suffering from athlete s foot can also treat the infection by keeping proper hygiene. What Does Athletes Foot Look Like There are other conditions that mimic Athlete s Foot that we should be aware about like that of simple disturbances in the body s sweat mechanism, reaction to certain components of the shoes like dyes or adhesives with weird chemical combinations, eczema and psoriasis. This is done for two weeks after which, with some evident signs of improvement, the therapy is continued for another week. There are also other natural remedies available to get rid of athlete's foot. Some ingredients easily found in the kitchen can help in trying to stop the fungus infection from getting worse. One might think that it is a bad choice considering the bad picture that comes to mind when Athlete s Foot is mentioned but upon closer look you will realize that and athlete s foot and footwear can make a lot of difference in the athlete s over all performance. This is why Athlete s Foot is a very marketable brand name because it speaks for itself.
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