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Athlete's Foot | How To Cure Athlete's Foot | Athlete's Foot Cream (2024)

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Talcum powder can help absorb the perspiration from your feet and keep it dry al the time. Other preventive measures for athlete's foot also includes keeping your feet clean by following good foot hygiene. Regularly wash your feet with soap and water to keep it clean. Try not to walk around damp areas such as shower and locker rooms on barefoot. This skin disease is common because the fungi that causes can be found in areas where people usually use the same facility like swimming pools, showers, locker rooms, and other warm and damp areas. Treating The Common Skin Condition Although athlete s foot can be found in areas where you cannot avoid, it doesn t mean that you cannot treat or prevent it once you have acquired it. You must remember that the fungi that cause the problem loves wet places. So keep those feet dry. Do not go barefoot. When inside public shower rooms and locker rooms, make sure that you are wearing sandals to protect your feet. Going barefoot will only make your feet vulnerable to fungus that may be lounging in the surrounding areas. These medications usually contain substances that kill the athlete s foot causing fungi and can make the condition better if you follow the instructions carefully. Topical medications or topical antifungal agents that has miconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine and a keratolytic like salicylic acid are usually given to the patient to kill the fungus. Air out your shoes Make it a habit to always air out your rubber shoes after use so that it will be dry inside. This is especially true if you have used it for so long during the day and there is sweat inside. Wear sandals When inside locker rooms or when walking by the poolside or anywhere moist, wear sandals. Often, people suffering from this foot problem will start to experience itching in between the toes. There will also be scaling and unusual redness in the skin. Soon after, the affected area will crack and will blister. It is important that you do not scratch the affected area as touching it will cause the skin to open up and allowing the fungus to enter deep into the skin, thereby exacerbating the condition. 

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