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Understand and Manage: Athlete's Foot

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Crushed raw garlic placed on dry socks that you wear while sleeping is enough to help you get rid of the disease. Essential oils are another group of home remedies that can be used to effectively treat your athlete's foot. The use of tea tree oil is, by far, the most common and natural treatment for athlete's foot. Some symptoms of Athlete s Foot include bumps on the feet and these bumps can be innocent bumps caused by too much walking but can be a start of Athlete s Foot already. Cracked, blistered or peeling areas in any area of the feet is also a bad sign most especially if such things occur in between toes because in between the toes is the area of specialty of fungus. Washing your feet with soap and water often and drying them properly especially the toe webs can eliminate the moist and warm areas where the fungus thrive. 2. Avoid wearing footwear such as shoes, socks, slippers, or foot towels owned by another person. To avoid the spread of infection, don t wear someone else s footwear especially if the person already suffers from athlete s foot. This is because shoes causes the feet to perspire, a suitable environment which the fungus needs to breed and multiply. A good way of preventing such an infection is by choosing the type of shoes that you wear. Consider using light and airy footwear to make sure that your feet is always properly ventilated and prevent excessive perspiration. People who suffer from athlete's foot will often experience itchiness in the areas in between their toes. This is the area most often affected by the fungus. Of course, itchiness can also reach the backs of the feet as well as the skins of the toes. The infection may also cause redness in the affected areas. Spread of fungus or any disease for that matter can be stopped with just cleanliness as the answer. Also, you can take necessary precautions by practicing good hygiene on your body at all times and at all costs. Fungus can be contagious because as the term breed connotes it spreads easily so if you have fungus make sure you stay away from people until you are cured already. 

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