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How to Master Simple Ballroom Dancing

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While walking on a treadmill or doing crunches are well-known exercises, they only work certain parts of your body - which leave you to workout longer in order to cover the rest. Ballroom dancing literally works every part of your body and every major muscle group. You are more likely to see results faster due to the challenge your body endures with dancing. At one time it was said that the Tango was a dance performed between a prostitute and her pimp in the brothels outside Buenos Aires Argentina. Another explanation for the stance and movements of the dance is that the Argentinean cowboys (Gauchos) would show up at night clubs without the benefit of a shower so when a lady agreed to a dance she would dance in the crook of his right arm keeping her head back. Presentation: The judges will be looking not only for how you appear to them but how well you sell yourselves to the audience. Are you enthusiastic, happy, confident? It has to show. Even in dances like the Tango and the Paso Doble where the expressions are more somber you still have to appear assured and confident. You will find people in clubs doing the Waltz, or the Tango or the Quick Step but you won't see them performing a Paso Doble. Although bullfights can be traced all the way back to ancient Greece they weren't a part of the culture of Spain until the 1700's. The excitement and tension of the bullfight, the pride and dignity of the matador as well as the flair of his cape are all portrayed in the Paso Doble. In ballroom dancing, there are over ten traditional dances with many more variations, so obviously the music will be different for each one. Here is a look at some examples of music and songs appropriate for each dance style. The paso doble is a Spanish dance that demonstrates the bullfighter's bravery and agility. Often, the woman dances around the man and has quick and withdrawn steps, as the man pursues her. This is a Latin-based danced and is considered to be a very sensual performance in ballroom dancing. The waltz is a dance that originated in Germany in the 17th century and is a familiar favorite among dances in the ballroom. 

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