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3. Communication - Players need to communicate and call for the balls. This will prevent players chasing after fly balls collide with other players or objects such as fences while they run. Players in pursuit of the same fly ball can communicate by calling, I've got it" or "You take it." 4. These categories are composed of fielding, hitting, base running and pitching. If you are training with a coach, they will assess your strengths and weaknesses and train you further on the skills where you are good at. This is after the coach has looked into the needs of the team. This person is responsible in filling such needs by honing the right people as they improve on the strengths of their players, spot the weaknesses and do something about such. In the case of the catcher, when they drop or doesn t catch the pitched third strike, the batter is still capable to be awarded with first base. This can be achieved if he ll be able to reach it before the catcher can tag him or throw the ball towards the first base. This kind of strikeout is not part of the three outs during the half inning. Every baseball team should be led by a good coach, who is tasked to lead the team not just to gain victory but also to attain good teamwork and relationship among each other. Thus, the baseball coach could be considered as the backbone of every team. This way, he needs to be tough and loving at the same time. The runner tags up or waits until the ball is caught, and runs home before the outfielder can throw the ball to home. Sacrifice bunt The other key move is the sacrifice bunt. The object is to move a runner waiting in his present base (usually at first base, most favorably at third) into a scoring position (going to the next base or a home run). Infielders must also get an offensive player out by throwing the ball to the right base. That being said, infielders must learn baseball techniques to help their team win. The following are the rules and techniques that every infielder should know: 1. Stay focused on the game and be aware of what is going on. 

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