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Bowling shoes must be cared for properly and never worn outside of the bowling alley and certainly never worn on the street. You can buy bowling shoes at a major sporting good store or through your local bowling center. You can actually shop online for bowling shoes too. That way you can get an idea of what is available and the price range. The fingers should be always be relaxed when delivering (swinging) the ball. 2. It is also recommended that a bowler learn the different styles and techniques of bowling. This will help him get used to the movements and find out which styles are effective for him in hitting all the pins. 3. A bowler should be able to estimate his timing. Experts contend, however, that this kind of shot is not very successful in that it does not attempt to take full advantage of the dragging the power of the bowler. 2. Stroker With this kind of technique, the bowler relies more on precision than strength. This technique is characterized by employing the "by the book" style of playing that entails the proper execution of even movements, keeping square shoulders to the target all the way through the release of the ball, and maintaining an on-time move at the "foul line. While it might be fun to pick on a friend who has bowled a bad frame, it is considered very rude to do so, especially in league play. Remember common courtesy and this bowling lane rule will make perfect sense. Cheat. This is a serious breach of bowling lane etiquette and something that just shouldn't be done. Since bowling history is colorful and full of twists and turns, researchers have discovered that the game is actually the very first sport that was discovered. Back in 5200 B.C. they found primitive balls and pins in Egyptian tombs. They also found Polynesian cultures that practiced the same sport and found lanes about 6 feet long. Elf This game was a runaway hit just before the year 2000, when it made its debut during the holidays of 1999. It features Jolly Ol' Saint Nick knocking down toy factory elves on "strike" (can the pun get any more obvious?). With its funny cartoon like graphics, it has developed a niche following and has spawned different versions since its inception.
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