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But aside from the basic detailing materials, your hand is one of your best tools. Some automated detailing jobs can be too harsh as to cause damage on your car, more than you initially came in with. Make sure you take proper notes when preparing your compound. This is especially useful in removing scratches and faulty paint jobs. Vacuuming is always done, together with other procedures like brushing, liquid cleaning, steam cleaning, stain removal and upholstery treatment. A number of non-porous surfaces may also be polished. Some other detailers also provide engine detailing, wherein degreasers, high pressure water and steam are used to clean everything found under the hood of the car. Keep in mind that cars are subjected to a lot of abuse from different external factors, such as harsh elements, dirt, and even smog. You need to learn some key facts about auto detailing in order for you to be able to keep your car protected and looking like new. What is Detailing? One of the main misconceptions about auto detailing is that it is mainly concerned about the aesthetics of the car and nothing more. Once you have completely washed the car interior compartments, then you can put them back on for you to enjoy a seemingly brand new car interior. Word of Warning You need to understand that detailing is another form of maintenance care. Hence, this must not be done one-time only but on a regular basis to ensure that you can retain the same quality and appearance for your car's interior as if it were brand new. Professional Detailing As A Business: Is It Lucrative? Car detailing is a profitable business. When you keep up vehicles outer appearance you re also keeping up its value. Vehicles book value provides 3 average figures that break down into low, medium and high. You will never achieve the high figure except if your vehicles are in excellent exterior state. The four-ply or white wool is the most saleable however it should not be used on newer coat finishes. The blended pad combines synthetic and natural fibers. The finishing wool pad is composed of authentic lamb wool and polyester fiber. Natural finishing wool, although costly, is recommended because it has a natural oil that lubricates the buffing process keeping the pads soft.
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