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When the cat starts to scratch, lift the cat and place him/her next to the scratch post, they will soon get the message and use the post instead of the furniture. If you are concerned about your cat going missing, or it being involved in an accident, you can have a micro-chip (approximately the size of a grain of rice) inserted into the back of the cat s neck. So, if you plan to wash him in the tub, make sure to shut the door to keep him from getting out into the rest of the house. What To Do Put the mat at the bottom of the sink or tub. Add about two or three inches of warm water to the bottom and carefully place the cat in. Talk to him quietly and reassure him that he s okay. Then, gradually move it away from the furniture as he gets accustomed to it. You can also use a pet repellant spray such as Bitter Apple on the furniture that the pet is clawing at. Take the time to test the spray on a non visible area of the furniture before using it though. Or if you do not want to spray the furniture, then cover the material with aluminum foil or tape that is placed sticky side up. If you do see them, realize that the problem is already a big problem. What you need to do is make sure to check your pet for fleas all the time. You can do this with a flea comb. Carefully comb through the cat s hair and pay attention to the hair around the cat s head and his belly. These are the ideal places for fleas to hide including the ears, eyes and the nose. Deciding what cat collar to buy can be a more difficult choice than you think. Do you go with a flea control collar, a reflective collar, an elasticated collar, a buckle on collar, or no collar at all. Do flea collars really work? My experience has been that they, but they don t hurt either so we can look at form and fit. This means you won t have to deal with messy traps or dangerous poisons around your home. Many cat owners claim they haven t come across a mouse in their home for years with this line of defense. Cats are very precious and beautiful animals as well. They have a gentle hum to them that can be relaxing for humans.
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