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If possible arrange to bath your new kitten at a friends house before you take it home, this will neutralize kitty's odor, and go some way to prevent unsettling your cat. A short isolation period is necessary when introducing a new kitten. It would be ideal to have a separate room for the new kitten, your new little pet will need her own litter box, and food and water bowl. Disease and weight changes are common throughout the senior lifestage. Cats are more likely to face weight gain during the mature years when activity level declines and metabolism slows. But around age 11, weight loss becomes a greater concern. The 11-plus years are particularly problematic for cats because their sense of smell and taste often diminish at this time, which affects their interest in food. Then use a pitcher of water and keep it near the sink. You should try to have a non skid mat there as well to help your cat feel better about standing in the water. A scared cat is hard to control. So, if you plan to wash him in the tub, make sure to shut the door to keep him from getting out into the rest of the house. Next marking the behavior: You will have to show the cat the hoop. Once the cat touches the hoop, click, treat. Then show the cat to go though the hoop once it does click, treat. Continue to do this until the cat goes though the hoop on its own or your command. Reinforce the behavior Remember to have snacks handy so when you do see your cat go though the hoop a snack is available. Do not change the rules when you ve decided them, as this can cause difficulties. If your cat trusts you, it will probably do what you want, so speak in a calm tone. Your cat can tell if you are anxious, so don t worry if things go wrong. Keep calm and start again. Don t force training on your cat, only attempt it when it seems happy to do so. So make sure you book an appointment for after the birth to neuter your kitty to prevent future pregnancies. The world's cat population is vastly increasing with over 100 different breeds recorded, and so many inhumane people out there you will find feral cats come in abundance in most big cities. Spaying her before the first or second heat will vastly reduce threats like uterine disease and mammary cancer, so get onto it straight away!
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