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If you do see them, realize that the problem is already a big problem. What you need to do is make sure to check your pet for fleas all the time. You can do this with a flea comb. Carefully comb through the cat s hair and pay attention to the hair around the cat s head and his belly. These are the ideal places for fleas to hide including the ears, eyes and the nose. Now that he s calm, you can wet him down. Use the sprayer but if this scares him, you ll need to pour water over him using the pitcher. A word of warning, do not pour water on his head. You ll clean his face later. Now he s wet. You can squeeze a palm sized amount of shampoo and massage the shampoo into his coat. Neutering him can mean a lot of time saving on the spraying (marking his teritory) which he will do around your house and stop him fighting with other males over females or otherwise. It also make him live longer as a calmer and nicer kitty for you to enjoy! You will need to make sure mother is warm and safe at all times. Reinforce the behavior Remember to have snacks handy so when you do see your cat go though the hoop a snack is available. Training a cat with a clicker can be fun for both you and the cat. Taking steps in training will be rewarding to you and the cat. Try not to rush a cat in training, as they can become confused especially if they did not get the step before down. Keep calm and start again. Don t force training on your cat, only attempt it when it seems happy to do so. Don t move too quickly, or the cat might misunderstand. When teaching a kitten only do it for half hour a day and only repeat a few times. As an annoyed kitten will not learn anything. If you are forbidding something, be consistent. For example an aggressive cat can easily prevent the other shyer cats from getting enough food. It is also harder to know just how much food the cat is eating so you may not realize if he is eating less than he normally does. This is an important sign that he s not feeling well and it can be a serious problem then.
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