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The world's cat population is vastly increasing with over 100 different breeds recorded, and so many inhumane people out there you will find feral cats come in abundance in most big cities. Spaying her before the first or second heat will vastly reduce threats like uterine disease and mammary cancer, so get onto it straight away! They have coats in all colors as well as eyes that are very shiny and bright. Each cat has their own personality and you just can t help but adore them. There are many breeds of cats if you want a particular kind but some of the most beautiful cats are those that are mixed breeds. Cats are very smart animals too so they will quickly catch up to what you like from them and what you don t based on the praise you give them. Many collars come with bells or some other noise making device. This is designed to warn potential prey animals that your cat is out hunting. The idea behind these is to avoid your cat bringing home gifts and presents, especially ones that are still alive!! In the main these devices are ineffective and its usually best to remove them so there s less to get caught up in bushes and fences. Don t change your mind, and stick to the same command. If you ve caught your cat doing something bad, give it a quick squirt of water from a plant sprayer. This will soon curb the behaviour. Never hurt or shout at your cat, or it will associate you with the unpleasantness. Instead put some dry beans in a tin and shake it briefly if you cat is being bad. When your cat lives solely outdoors, it must be provided with some form of shelter, such as a barn. What you should not do is to keep a cat inside a cage. This will drive your cat crazy. Cats treasure the freedom to move freely. When it comes to the food of your cat, you may give free-choice feedings or scheduled feedings. "You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats." - Colonial proverb Fancy having a cat at home? It will depend on you throughout its life around 15 years with proper care so properly budget for visits to the vets and other costs before making a decision to get a cat.
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