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If your cat refuses to use the scratch post, then it may not like the fabric that covers it. Try putting an old piece of clothing that smells like you over the board; put some hemp rope around the scratching tree, or put down some straw mats, cats often like these better. Make sure where your cat sleeps is quiet and comfortable. Make the introduction, slowly, bit by bit, it is a good idea to let your existing cat sniff your new kitten's blanket a few times before they actually meet. Make the initial periods of contact short. Gradually increase the time that they spend together as they get used to one another. It is not unusual for there to be a few spats in these first meetings, so do not leave them alone together until they get on. House cats, while not wild, still have many of the same nutritional needs as their wild feline ancestors. So, the most important ingredient in any cat food is protein. Carbohydrates are also an important part of a cats diet, though not as important as protein. Cats really should derive the majority of their nutritional needs from protein, so cat foods that are high in carbohydrates may not necessarily be the best for them. When the cat stops grooming itself, then that is the time that the owner should worry. The cat may not be feeling well. Cats like to eliminate in relatively clean places. In fact, you will find outdoor cats digging the ground before releasing their waste. Afterwards, they cover their waste. For indoor cats, the owner should provide a litter box. Wrap him up in the towels and blot off as much of the water as possible from his body. Use a dry towel as a second blotting tool. Now, he ll finish the job himself. For those who have a long haired cat, you can use a blow dryer at the very lowest setting if you keep it continuously moving so that you do not burn him. This habit of tongue-bathing has several benefits to your pet cat: - promotes better circulation of the blood - gets rid of dead skin cells - removes excess/dead hair on their coat - tones their muscles - keeps the fur soft and clean Here are several ways to keep your cat well-groomed: 1. Brushing Depending on the breed, your cat can either have long or short hair.
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