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(Don't worry. Most children are not usually squeamish with names. In fact, they find it quite amusing.) If you don't want your guests to spend so much with costumes, you can opt to hold a themed party and not require them to come in costumes. It's how you carry out the party that matters. But, of course, getting your guests in costumes would make your party pictures look so much better. Farm Party This is for kids who are animal lvoers. You do not really need to own a farm to make this happen. You can bring in animals for petting in your yard, or you could set up animals made of paper-mache all over. Another good idea would be to allow your guests to bring their pets. Not only will this party be fun, it could be a fantastic learning experience for all, as well. Just add a little creativity and you can successfully pull off a rocking children's party. The games suggested here work for almost any kids' party - not just birthdays. Why, they can even be fun for child-like adults! Treasure or Scavenger Hunt Children live for wonder and new discoveries. Why not set up a treasure hunt that would test their analytical and motor skills? It would be better if you hire someone who has been referred by a friend or a family member, because, at least you have an idea of his or her performance, attitude and track record. Never underestimate the power of referrals. Remember, it's your child's party on the line, so you definitely want to have someone who can give you your money's worth. There are some well-meaning parents who choose to set up and organize their kids' parties themselves, because not only is it cheaper than having to hire a professional birthday party planner, it also allows them to feel more bonded with their child. Do it yourself planning, however, requires a significant amount of time, effort and energy. You can find a lot of ideas on the Internet, or you can ask parents who have already thrown parties for their children to find out what works and what doesn't. Learning from other people's blunders will help ensure that your party goes smoothly. But, of course, no party is perfect. And it is in the boo-boos that the memories and milestones come.
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