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Since you or any other person does not have the capacity to stop these fallacies, the only thing you can do is to be aware about them so you will not be as na ve and as unknowledgeable about the procedure if ever you want to have one yourself. Some of the most common fallacies that people have about cosmetic surgery are: 1. You need to be assured that everything will turn out fine. 3. The cost. If you are serious about cosmetic surgery, then you should not be worry about the cost that you have to pay. In this procedure, the most expensive does not mean that it is the best. But it is an assurance that you will get the best service out of the price you paid. While nose jobs are for those who are not too happy with what they have and would rather have one they think would look like on them. These are not the only extent with which doctors are now capable of. Tired of those excess body fats? Liposuction. Want bigger breasts? Try breast enhancement. Sagging belly? And the most important thing to consider is the surgeon. The The success of the operation is dependent on the surgeon. So, make sure that you consult a highly-skilled facial cosmetic surgeon. This means that you consult a facial cosmetic surgeon must be specialized in handling surgery from neck to head. What are some of the advantages of cosmetic breast surgery? Boosts self esteem and adds confidence. Women have the notion that having large breasts will; make them more desirable to the opposite sex. With media always showing off "boobsy" women, it is not surprising that there will appear an inkling for men to fantasize about these types of women. He must have an idea as to what his patient expects and what they want from the surgery. He should have a direct approach in the things that must be done by the patient and also the best way to go about the operation. This would at least lessen the anxiety of the patient. A good cosmetic surgeon should also supply the patient with all the information about the surgery.
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