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How to Fix Your Credit Score Fast!

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Dispute Any Errors In Your Credit Report If you still haven't seen an exact copy of your actual credit history, get a copy now and analyze it properly. Log on to sites like annualcreditreport.com and others, and get a copy from the credit bureaus too. Once you get a copy of your credit report, check out each of the details, and quickly highlight, as well as dispute any errors or numerical flaws. Pay Your Bills On Time Each time you use your credit card for making various purchases, always remember to pay your bills in full each time they come due. Timely payments make for happy credit card owners, while late or missed credit card payments are an exercise in futility, and paves the way for your constant haranguing by collection agencies, and also cuts deep wounds in your credit score. Whenever a person who just filed for bankruptcy applies for mortgages and loans, it puts a heavy frown on the faces of creditors and lending institutions. Insurance premiums for people who've experienced bankruptcy are also more costly than for people who have stable financial records. A person who's experienced bankruptcy will also be classified as a high-risk customer, hence the rejection of his or her loan application. Check out any incorrect payments, credit limits, or collection data that you strongly feel is not yours. It's a fact that some typing errors or numerical glitches often show up on some credit reports; therefoe you need to get a copy of your credit report at least once a year. Pay Your Obligations On Time Always make sure that you pay off all types of debt or bills on time. Creditors are in business because they earn a profit from their lending services, and if you don t pay your debts, the creditor will also feel the pinch, and his bottom line gets hurt as well. It would be better if you sit down and negotiate with your creditors, since most of them are willing to understand your difficult financial condition, and may be more than willing to offer an easy way out of your financial mess. From here, you can link to the three major credit bureaus. Credit experts however frown on going to sites like the Free Credit Report, because despite their name, they actually charge monthly fees for their credit monitoring service. Once you re in the site, choose your state from the pull-down menu, and start filling your information. 

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