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When working with nails you do not want to end up airbrushing the person's fingers. So before attempting to do airbrush art on nails gain some experience with airbrushing on larger surfaces. Depending on the type of airbrush art you are doing will determine the type of airbrush that you need. When doing airbrush art on nails go with either the Iwata HP-A or the Iwata HP-B. This will cause the airbrush art tattoo to come off to soon. The use of talc powder after the design has dried will help to keep oil from building back up and thus still ruining the airbrushed tattoo. Nails should be clean and buffed prior to beginning. Buffing the nails will give for a rougher surface for the paint to cling onto. With airbrush art you can go extreme with fantasy art or murals of realistic scenery. You can go with bold colors schemes or subtle colors. The possibilities with airbrush art are unlimited and only limited to the artist imagination. Any scene, any surface and everything in between can be airbrushed. So when interested in learning about how to apply airbrush makeup then look into the websites for artist that practice this form of airbrush art. Usually they will have a place on their website that talks about offered workshops. One such airbrush artist is Suzanne Patterson of Creative artistry. Suzanne Patterson has held several workshops teaching people hands on all about the art of applying airbrush makeup. This will give a little protection to the needle itself should the airbrush happen to fall. A damages needle can be disastrous to your ability to create high quality art, because if you are unable to straighten a bent needle back out or the needle should break completely you will not be able to finish your airbrush art until you can get a replacement. The bottom feed is where the cup is mounted to the bottom of the airbrush and the paint is brought up via a siphon tube. It is for this reason that the bottom feed is also referred to as a siphon feed. Since the artist can attach the cup to the bottom of the airbrush the colors can be changed quickly by using different cups prefilled with the colors needed.
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