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You should not have to take your airbrush apart every night to clean it, it is alright to only do a complete break down and cleaning once a month. Just make sure you do not go any longer than that. When you take it apart to clean soak it in a commercial grade cleaner overnight. The next morning take an airbrush cleaning brush to it. For those that want to take it a step further it can also be fun and exciting business. T-shirts containing airbrush art are popular and unique to wear. What makes airbrushed t-shirts so unique is that one of a kind images can be created giving the wearer a shirt that no one else has. Thus making for a pretty fun hobby or profitable business. Airbrush art in the 1960s made its way into the music world. Album covers were done using airbrush art to create the whole hippy style images. The wild psychedelic artwork that was popular with that era were done thanks to the use of airbrushing. Tie dyed looks and large hippy flowers and even the peace signs were making their way onto vehicles during this era. Real tattoos are permanent and you are stuck with what ever you get. The only way to remove a tattoo that you do not like is to either do a cover up tattoo or go and have laser surgery to remove the tattoo. With airbrushed tattoos you can get rid of it with baby oil or just wait about 7 days and then it is gone. Prior to actually airbrushing the nails, a base coat should be applied. There are actually two reasons for the base coat. This base coat will help protect the nail from the paint and help the paint to adhere to the nail better. Metal should be wet sanded to give a rough grainy effect. This rough grainy effect will help the paint to adhere to the metal. You can take airbrushing and create a beautiful mural on a concrete wall to turn that once bland wall into a work of art worthy of some attention. While you can do this by hand the time factor makes airbrushing a better choice. Airbrush art can also be applied to the body to create temporary tattoos and thus uses the human body as a canvas for an artist's imagination.
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