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Do not use any knock offs a these will cost you more money and lots of headaches in the long run. You get what you pay for and when it comes to airbrush art you need to go with names that you can trust. A lot of knock offs also will give for a harder time finding replacement parts when they tear up. Knock offs will tear up quicker than the name brands. The history of airbrush art is just as fascinating as the creative designs that artists are using airbrushing for. Experts believe that a primitive form of airbrush art was used by ancient civilizations. The method believed to be used in this primitive form of airbrush art was the use of a hollow bone in which to spray the paint out of by blowing through it. Javier Soto will deal with the use of bright colors, textures, highlighting and the use of kandies in creating a brilliant looking psycho clown. Kustom Pinstriping Techniques featuring airbrush artist Craig Fraser will show you all the aspects of pin striping. This video will show you everything you need to comprehend about pin striping so that you can reach professional level pin striping. Over spraying is when the artist sprays outside of the area in which they are trying to spray. When working with nails you do not want to end up airbrushing the person's fingers. So before attempting to do airbrush art on nails gain some experience with airbrushing on larger surfaces. Depending on the type of airbrush art you are doing will determine the type of airbrush that you need. Beginners should really take the time to practice on how the trigger works so that they can perfect their ability to airbrush. Your airbrush will have a back lever as well that acts to shut off the air flow and paint flow when the trigger is released. If this should be come damaged then you could have serious problems with your airbrush. This video deals with teaching the beginner all about double action airbrushes. In spite of the fact that the video is geared towards the Paasche VL airbrush, the information taught in this video will work for any double action airbrush on the market. Beginners can learn about internal and external mix, paint feed systems as well as airbrush paints.
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