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Since the artist can attach the cup to the bottom of the airbrush the colors can be changed quickly by using different cups prefilled with the colors needed. Airbrush art also uses airbrushes with a side feed. The side feed has a cup that mounts on the side. Since the side feed can be rotated the artist can airbrush either horizontal or vertical. This video is a very advanced detail orientated video that is a one of a kind as the methods and such have never been put on tape before. With this video you will learn what you need to have an edge over a lot of other airbrush artists. Caricatures are seen in a lot of art and airbrush art makes for creating some really interesting caricatures. Micro airbrushing is also a valuable skill for an airbrush artist if they airbrush small model cars. By acquiring the skills needed to do micro airbrushing the artist can capture more detail in their airbrush art on the model car. Imagine being able to create realistic eyes on a dragon you just airbrushed onto the hood of a small model car? Wood surfaces should be sanded prior to doing any airbrush art. Take the time to use sand paper and lightly sand the wood down by hand. If you are doing a mural on a wood floor then use a hand floor sander. You don't want to mar the wood only remove any rough areas. If the wood has been waxed or has a gloss coat then sanding this will remove this and allow for the paint to stick to the surface. Soon airbrushing would be used to paint Pin-Up girls on to the American planes during WWII. This is where airbrushing started showing up in the more modern world in the form of art. In the 1940 Walt Disney would show the world a new use for airbrush art. Walt Disney would take airbrush art to the animated screen. The workshops offered cover airbrush t-shirt art, murals on steel introduction, achieving photorealism, pinup art, pin striping and much more on airbrush art. The pricing for AirBrush Action's workshops runs $150 for a one day class and $575 for the four day classes. This is a small price to pay to learn hands on with experts such as Cross-Eyed, Javier Soto, Jonathan Pantaleon and Craig Fraser. 

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