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The 21 BEST Types Of Discus Fish...

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This doesn t mean though that once you have your tank, filled it up with water, and purchased your feed then your all done. There are still quite a few things that you have to do to ensure that they will live a long time and save you the anxiety of having to buy new fish every time. The big news is, most fishes, including the discus fish, maybe even more so, develop health conditions because of stress. These things will serve as a place to hide for your discus fish. Also, you have to remember that discus fish are quite sensitive to noise. So, you may want to put them in a place in your home where there is less traffic and less noise. Avoid putting your discus fish aquarium in areas in your home where it receives a lot of traffic, such as your living room. When your discus fish see the characins in the open, they will feel that they are safe to swim around the aquarium and will be more active. A large school of characins, such as the Cardinal Tetra, Rummy Nose, or the Neon Tetras go well with discus fish. This will also help emulate their natural habitat more and both types of fishes flourish well in the same water conditions. Discus fish lay their eggs in a flat vertical surface area at the bottom of the tank. Some use certain plants while some say that an overturned pot will do. Do vary the diet of your discus fish. When your fish are breeding, a varied diet is important to boost their reproductive system upping their chances of spawning. Before, because of its limited supply, only a selected few would be able to get their hands on a discus fish, let alone a handful of them, luckily today, many are now able to get their hands on them, and if you re one of those lucky persons, then you should know how to provide them a good environment so that they can leave healthy and stress free. Important Things to Consider When You re Planning to Breed Discus Fish As a pet lover or hobbyist, you know that having a discus fish in your aquarium can really add beauty to your home. They are one of the most beautiful freshwater fishes to own and they are also eye-catching. If you love discus fish, you may have considered breeding them at one point of owning them. 

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