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UNBOXING DISCUS Fish for the New 90 Gallon Aquarium!

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You also have to keep in mind that discus fish are social animals. They live in groups in their natural habitat, which is why you need to have at least 2 or 3 pairs of breeding discus fish in the breeding tank. As for the tank itself, you have to keep it clean and simple. Never overcrowd the fish tank with ornaments. However, as they grow up or mature, you will find that their eating behaviors will start to change and they will also start to become graceful. You also have to remember that discus fish likes to live in groups. This is how they are in their natural habitat. So, this is basically the reason why you have to try and give your discus fish a number of other discus fish swimming in the same fish tank. They may even outcompete the discus fish for food and they may also carry diseases that the discus fish are prone to catch. This combination is possible but it will require a much larger aquarium and also a skilled aquarist. Another great fish that can complement your discus fish is the Blue Ram, which is a beautiful dwarf cichlid. They couldn t be more wrong. Taking care of discus fish is easy if you only know how to do it properly. It may be hard at first but as you get more experience, everything will become routine and easy to do. The aquarium size is one of the most important things that you need to consider. Discus fish thrives in deep water. When you are setting up your discus fish tank, it is important to remember that you have to add a water conditioner in the tap water, which you will doubtlessly use. This will do the job in taking out the chlorine as well as other chemicals present in the water. Keep in mind that discus fish thrive in softer water. For discus fish, the optimum water acidity would be a pH level of 6. Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will be able to take good care of your discus fish. These tips will serve as your guide in owning or keeping discus fish in your aquarium. Always remember that discus fish are social animals. 

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