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Most of the domain name holders sell a domain name after finding that it has no use for them, or perhaps when the third party shows some interest in buying it. Given such fact, it is then a nice move if you have certain desire to sell a domain name that prior to getting down to the hard work that is necessary to sell a domain name, you know how to place some sorts of value on your domain name. So, one of the common and widely identified domain names on the web is I am sure that you are all familiar with Google, so it is then very interesting for you to know that the first part of the domain name which is the www actually stands for the host server, that is the World Wide Web where in the site is found. But with the advent of the internet, knowing who owns domain names is made as easy as it is. It is then very easy to determine who owns domain names since there are so many domain name services today that help you to determine the answer to such problem. In the internet, a person who owns domain names is a licensed one or who is shown as the domain name registrant on the whois database of the registrar. Through the URL-forwarding, the registered domain name information then can be change smoothly for the reason that the URL-forwarding will resolve any hits on the registered domain name to the forwarding servers. Today, there are so many companies that provide you to the opportunity to change you registered domain name, and some of those even offer the registered domain name change for free. In this case, the WHOIS contact information such as the name, address, telephone numbers, and others will be deleted and the domain name will still be inactive. Accordingly, the domain can be renewed during this time by its original holder with $105 plus renewal fees. And since it is a manual process for the registry to add the name, address, and other contact information back to the domain registry records, the process will really take much time. It is considered that a domain name extension is the top most part if the domain names under which all of the domains on the web are registered. To further create a vivid idea on the uses of a domain name extension, it is interesting to know that a domain name extension like .com is particularly intended for the commercial organizations.
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