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In terms of the registrant domain name transfer, it is considered that this kind of domain name transfer takes place when the current registrant of a domain name wanted to transfer all the domain name rights to a third party. It is only the domain name registrant or the administrative contact who are allowed to perform the registrant domain name transfer process. With this domain name auction, thousands of people are expected to come under the hammer. The domain name auction also surfaced due to the fact that there are some domain name companies who do not settle their debts. With such situation they were forced into a domain name auction for their own name. Since the domain name auction greatly involved some sorts of bids, it is noted that the maximum for bid for each domain name will be the amount that a certain network solutions is payable. It is often considered that a domain name may only be registered with a maximum of ten year period. Even upon the domain name renewal, the domain name registration period can not extend past a ten year period, so are the domain name registrars have no authority to offer a domain name registration for over ten years. Of course there are other types and each has its own uses and functions. Moreover, when you go for a domain name registration, you should know that the domain name that is entered into the domain name registration contact information is added to a database of all the available domain names. As such, your contact, billing, administrative contact, and also your domain name server or DNS is added to this database. And by knowing that the dot edu domain name exists in the real world, they will be able to locate a certain educational institution through the dot edu domain name extension. The dot edu domain name, finally, as it is one of the noted important domain name extensions therefore exists for the dot edu domain name generally affects how easily the visitors of the degree granting universities will find them. This is the most popular and foremost question when it comes to domain name extension. Many people were really asking that question times every time a subject about domain name and its extensions is tackled. Well, fortunate for them that they are actually left with answers on their hands. However, many of the people today are still not aware of the nature of domain name extension and its types especially those who haven't heard anything about domain names.
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