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After careful drying, apply moisturizing skin lotions all over, avoiding those with fragrances or other irritating ingredients. Refrain from wearing tight-fitting, rough, or scratchy clothing. For most people, cotton is less irritating than synthetic fibers or wool. Heavy activities Avoid overly strenuous activities that can make you hot and sweaty or places with abrupt changes in temperatures and humidity. These triggering factors that they must avoid include using bubble baths and harsh soaps, wearing clothes that are made of polyester and wool, being exposed to dust mites and sweating a lot. If they are allergic to any food, this is the time that you really need to watch what they eat and make sure that they don t touch anything that might worsen their condition. Studies had shown that when stress strikes, the skin starts to itch. Today, there is a continuing study on the effectiveness of many stress-reduction techniques. Some of the stress-reduction techniques include biotherapy, progressive muscle relaxation, and massages. However, these studies are too small at present and their results, while encouraging, are not sufficient to draw significant conclusions from. Thus, most health experts believe that when it comes to this kind of problems, prevention is still the best course of action. Some also turn to the natural way of controlling this problem without resorting to taking medicines. Because eczema is usually caused by either an allergic reaction or a irritant, avoiding having the problem in the first place is pretty easy. The other causes are airborne particles that get embedded in clothes and against the skin (under the collar, along the waistband). Harsh chemicals touching the hands or saturating the clothes cause eczema. Other workers get them from chemicals that become hazardous after being exposed to the sun. (These are most common in roof and agricultural workers. Sample Ways to Help Treat and Heal Eczema Eczema cannot be cured, but there are ways that can be done to avoid flare ups and help treat the itchiness. If you are clueless about what to do, you have to seek the help of the right health professionals to help you deal with the condition. Frequent flares can be handled through various means.
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