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Tips + Tricks for Eczema! | Dr. Shereene Idriss

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Use of the drug for long periods of time can cause severe side effects such as skin thinning and stretch marks. These drugs should also not be used on the face or on skin that will be covered, for instance, at the rear when a diaper will be used. Check the warning label on the medicine and also consult with your doctor for more information. In infants, these patches develop on the scalp and face, especially on the cheeks. Skins sometime swell, crack and develop scale. Without treatment, the skin protects itself from damage caused by scratching by developing a thick crust over the affected area. Causes Medical experts have not pinpointed the exact cause or causes of atopic dermatitis. Probiotic supplements are recommended to be taken by children and pregnant women. Probiotics, also called good bacteria, are the live microbial organisms, which are situated on the digestive tract. These microorganisms help to repress the development of any bacteria that may harm the system. These can also help boost the body s immune system. Keeping your kid s moisturized is an easy step. During their bath time, make sure that the water they use is lukewarm. You also need to let them use mild soaps or any kind that has moisturizing effects. After every bath, you have to help seal the moisture on their skin by applying suitable moisturizer. The solution to the problem is to make sure that the sufferer won t scratch or at least, avoid scratching the affected parts. It comes in severe forms when the condition is developed during infancy. Children who have this problem may also develop other types of allergic diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. This is because medicines can have side effects especially for infants and those below two years old. Prolonged use, even in older children, can cause the thinning of the skin and stretch marks to appear. Prevention is still the best way to manage the problem. Flare-ups can be controlled if eczema is caused by a known allergen or irritant. 

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