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What are the symptoms of low estrogen levels?

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And the only solution for it is an estrogen therapy. An estrogen therapy is a therapy for the body, emotional and health-risk factors linked with menopause. It can be in the form of a pill, patch, cream, implant, injection or vaginal ring. Who should take the estrogen therapy? There is no exact answer for this since every woman has her own medical record and desires. Women are pre dominated by these hormones that they appear to have smaller hips, bigger chest, slimmer body and firmer skin compared to men. These particular hormones are also the reason why women menstruate. Women who lack such sex hormones often have different physique that is closer to males. Usually, if women do not have enough estrogen and progesterone, they appear to have smaller breast and masculine appearance. The use of conjugated estrogens is usually known for significant drop in the occurrence of heart disease and osteoporosis, including a decrease of approximately 10% in the incidence of heart disease and stroke, over non-estrogen users. The levels of PA-1 are discovered to plunge down by around 50% when an intake of Conjugated estrogens is done with or without the presence of progestins. The doctor will determine if the use of Estrogen patch will be safe for you. They will advise you to undergo a check up first before you will be given the prescription. Some of the patients can be prone to more side effects especially if Estrogen patches are not suited for them. Most common side effects of Estrogen patches are skin irritation, back pain and sometimes headache. The most common side effects with estrogen hormone are: Softness of the breast, either men or women Inflammation of the ankles and legs Lesser cravings for food Sudden changes in weight Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pains Skin Irritation Other side effects are: Bleeding gums Vaginal bleeding and spotting Changes in menstrual flow Painful menstruation PMS or the pre-menstrual syndrome Vaginal infection such as Candida Diarrhea Loss of scalp hair Migraine Faintness Despair Increased sexual desires Decreased sexual desires Rare side effects include: Blood clotting Sudden feeling to urinate Unclear speech Changes in vision Breathlessness Estrogen hormone should always be balanced. The woman undergo menopausal when her ovarian functions starts to decline. Usually, this is also the point when the woman does not have the capacity to bear a child anymore. However, in some cases there are still some of them who gives birth to the so-called menopausal babies. While a woman is entering the menopausal period the level of Estrogen is affected. 

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