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Often, it is the man that is expected to buy anniversary gifts for their wives or partners. Tradition dictates that they arrive home bearing flowers while the woman prepare a special dinner. Still, some women also buy gifts for their husbands during this special occasion. This will make the occasion extra special and more unique. Anniversary Gift Ideas for Men Anniversary wedding gift shopping is hard enough without putting the man factor into the equation but this is a fact of anniversary gift life that one has to accept and just deal with. Whether you have known the man half of the couple for most of your life or have only known for a couple of years, gift hunting for a man can be really frustrating. Still you can make it a gift for them both by putting their pictures inside. 6. If you can t buy the jewelry, why not buy the next best thing and buy a jewelry box. There are actually great golden jewelry boxes in store. Some are gold-plated that may last for decades while other are just cheaper versions that will probably wear off after some time. Think of what the couple might need at home and consider that in your gift list. For instance, who would think of buying shower curtains or even a cleaner for the shower. This may not seem appropriate but if you are close friends with at least one of the couple, these kinds of gifts are better appreciated than perhaps drinking glasses or photo albums that are always on the list of anniversary gift ideas. Ideas for a Personalized Anniversary Gift Gifts for wedding anniversary seem to be always the same things, picture frames, photo albums, appliances, glassware, chinaware, kitchen utensils, etc. Sometimes, the list of possible anniversary gift ideas is so short that couples even receive two or three of the same thing when they unwrap the gifts. There was going to be breakfast in bed with Mary's favorite rose on a vase with the favorite dish of sausage and eggs. Noticing there was an envelope under the plate, Mary opened it and discovered there were plane tickets inside. The couple always talked flying down to Florida but was shocked to see two first class tickets to the Bahamas.
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