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Cluster headaches: 'Like someone is grabbing your face' - BBC News

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It is more severe and more frequent than your ordinary type of headache. Migraine headache however only affect a certain area on the head, often the side area or the temples unlike the common type that encompasses the whole head including the neck. People suffering from migraine headaches may also experience a hallucination called aura. Should this last more a number of days, this is known as chronic. Research has not been able to pinpoint the cause of tension headaches. Regular people think this is caused by stress. The person could be working on the computer the whole day and develops eyestrain or there is a lot of pressure from the office. Sinus inflammation may be a result of but not limited to bacterial or viral infections or allergic reactions. Symptoms of sinusitis include a sinus headache that may affect several parts of the head including the face, jaws and teeth. During a sinusitis attack, the sinus headache may be localized to one or two pairs of inflamed sinuses but in severe cases, all sinuses are swollen and therefore cause a sinus headache that can be felt in the forehead between the eyebrows, upper jaw and teeth along with tender cheeks and face, the sides of the nose. Aside from bruxism, another headache-related dental problem is known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD) a cycle of pain, muscle spasms, and joint imbalance that involves the jaw and the skull and results to interruption of bones, cartilage and muscle activity. You can ask your dentist to evaluate this situation and recommend treatment options to solve the problem. Otherwise, you will continue to suffer from migraines without getting proper treatment and this of course can result to a serious impediment on the quality of life you deserve to enjoy. It is quite easy to mistake migraines for sinus headaches because some individuals who suffer migraine also suffer from sinusitis like symptoms such as pain in the face area as well as a stuffy nose and ref puffy eyes. Experts say that the treatment of headache depends largely on its cause. The most common headache treatment out there is taking over the counter medicines such as analgesics like aspirin and acetaminophen. Others suggest common headache remedies like using hot or cold compresses, exercise, enough sleep, proper die, and regular exercise to avoid recurrent headaches. 

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