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Migraine Medications

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Experts agree that headaches can be classified to migraine headaches which refer to the type of severe and recurrent headache that comes with painful throbbing on the temples, nausea and impaired vision; cluster headaches which are said to bear similarities to migraines only they are experienced in short durations and occur daily over weeks or months; and tension headaches that refers to the type of headache that can strike consistent location and result to contractions of the face, scalp, or neck muscles. Should this last more a number of days, this is known as chronic. Research has not been able to pinpoint the cause of tension headaches. Regular people think this is caused by stress. The person could be working on the computer the whole day and develops eyestrain or there is a lot of pressure from the office. The Pain of Clusters Cluster headache is a severe, debilitating pain that attacks one cluster of the head, usually above an eyelid or at the temple. The pain is usually characterized as being repeatedly stabbed in the eye with an ice pick. When the pain attacks, one may notice the drooping of the lids from the affected eye as well as nasal congestion on the affected side. While it is true that up to 97% of individuals who think they suffer from sinusitis headache symptoms are mistaken because they are actually suffering from migraine, it is very important to make the correct distinction between the two. First, one needs to be properly diagnosed for illness specific medication treatment. Once you have undergone this treatment, the doctor will strictly monitor the possible side effects like lethargy, drastic weight gain, hallucinations, memory impairment, and water retention. While taking in this medication, make sure that you don t combine it with any weight loss products. For starters, make sure that you are taking in low doses first before taking in large dose under prescription to test if it s working correctly. A migraine headache should not be confused with the common headache, which a person may suffer from every now and then. They are poles different from one another. The migraine headache, for instance can last from four to 72 hours while the common headache, or what is commonly referred to by medical practitioners as tension headaches, can last only for a few hours. 

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