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School vs Homeschool: Which Student Does Better?

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This way, parents will be able to oversee what their children learn and be able to teach subjects that really matter. Home schooling also enables a student to be educated in a very comfortable and familiar environment their own home. No longer would children have to adapt to new surroundings, as their home is their classroom. Unless you can supplant a social component into his program, he will be missing so much in terms of learning how to interact with other people. 2. State laws in homeschool You may not be aware of it but each state enforces certain rules and guidelines that parents and teachers of the homeschooling program should adhere to. With least restriction from among the alternative methods of home-schooling schemes, this is purely a program for very few students of not more than five attending schooling at home in a very private environment. Certainly, change in a child's schooling scheme affects parental goals and orientation. The advantage of institutionalized schooling is the amount of time parents get liberated to spend on their career while their children get the substantial education they pay for. For history and geography lessons, it is important to have a globe or a world map available as well as history and geography books within reach. For science subjects, your students would require, magnifying glasses, prisms, a microscope or a telescope depending on your child's grade level. You can also include musical instruments to teach music lessons as well as other items that you think would be helpful for other subject types. The lessons can also be tailorfitted to the needs of the children. For instance, if they are already good in Math and may need some work in English, the program can incorporate more time with English lessons and less with Math. The secret to the success of the homeschooling program is the flexibility and dynamism that it offers to students. This is because, most parents are also the teachers of homeschooling children. Ideally, one parent should remain at home and teach the child but this cannot work with moms and dads who have careers of their own. With the worksheets and teaching that one has to do, home schooling can be really time consuming. 

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