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When Parents Want to Homeschool Their Kids #shorts #teacher #boredteachers #homeschool #teaching

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Recognizing the potential effect of the program to the learning and performance of children, the government has chosen to regulate the program. Check with your local government offices for the laws and requirements. 3. Support Groups There are support groups consisting of parents of children undergoing homeschooling program. Because of the time that it will consume, most parents decide to quit their jobs and concentrate more on teaching their child. 2. Curriculum Although the homeschooling program is largely unstructured, parents still need to create a curriculum that they and their kids can follow. This way learning is facilitated and lessons have a smoother flow. The truth is, the higher percentage of parents availing this option, are those of higher educational attainment. It is almost impossible to project high school students and their social life if they are taking home schooling. In a complete study kit of formal home education, socialization is part of the curriculum, where they intermingle with fellow home-schooled children on field trips and assigned extra curricular activities. This resulted in the government building more and more schools to accommodate more students. Then compulsory education was established in order to make more students go to the new schools to get their education. This development brought home education to slowly fade away. But all is not lost. At present, home schooling has brought a bit of resurgence in its appeal of providing more personalized education to children. Actors, especially children characters are left to study with tutors, and thru correspondence schools, where materials are sent to their homes in form of packages and mails for self- study, with a domestic teacher, or the parents themselves. The home schooling curriculum opens opportunity for some parents to act fairly against any risk on drugs, travel, and social elemental influences in school environments today, and find themselves in direct management of their children in the home. This is where parents will base their decision to continue with the lesson and review or to proceed with the next lesson in the curriculum. Visual aids are also essential in teaching. This is especially needed with subjects that are hard to fathom without concrete materials such as Science and Math. It will also be easier and more interesting for students to have visual aids when they learn a particular subjects as most learners are visual oriented. 

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