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You can use the lower two feet storage place. Some iguana will usually try to hide in the bottom portion. They may fall sick and get hypothermia. It is better to provide a circular closet bar and a shelf on top. If you fix the lights on bar, these will lie too low. The lights can be fixed at the top with some clips. For instance, if iguana tries to spook over an insect sitting on a leaf, it will eat it with a part of leaf also along with. The experts advocate that more vegetables should be fed to iguanas than insects or fleshy food. They also need plenty of water to drink. Albino iguana will dip its head in water to drink it. However, it is not so important what design or material you use for making their shelter. The interior of their cage is a crucial factor. There should be something inside that will make the baby iguana warm and comfortable during the night. You can provide a carpet or some artificial turf to cover up the floor of the cage for iguana. In spite of being green they have a dominant black stripe on the body. They have monochromatic green color. Their green shade is different from bright green or grayish and dull green. Their skin is rough like rasps and they have pointed scurfs on their back. They possess big claws and long fingers and can effortlessly grasp and climb up. Marine iguanas maintain their number and sizes according to the availability of food. When algae had decreased at the time of onset of El Ni o, the marine iguanas also decreased in their length. When the food was available again they regained their sizes to normal. The marine iguanas are not as active as the other species of iguanas. There is a lot of difference in behavior, size, color and their condition as imperiled wild species. Species such as the red iguana and also green iguana exist in huge numbers, but there are a few species similar to Fiji Island iguana as well as Brachylophus vitiensis, which are turning out to be in endangered category.
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