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Rules governing whom one could marry have existed throughout the history of marriage, and religious and civil law have contained restrictions that have limited marriage options, and intermarriage within a kinship group has often been forbidden. Many countries today continue to enforce laws that prohibit marriage between certain relatives. Arranged Marriage Arranged marriage sounds like something from ancient times, but believe it or not this still goes on today in many countries. An arranged marriage is just like it sounds, a marriage that was arranged by the parents; sometimes the bride and groom didn’t even know one another. An arranged marriage has a lot of history behind it and for the cultures that have this they take pride in it. Marriage might mean that they finally just can‘t live without the other in their life and want to spend every minute of the rest of their lives together. What is marriage and how is it different from the past? Today marriage is different from what it used to be like. Long ago getting married meant getting married at a young age, or saving your virginity until marriage. Where to Find Great Marriage Gifts Finding the perfect marriage gift for the newlywed couple isn’t difficult, but it can take some research and creativity to find a great marriage gift. From picture frames, wine glass sets, commemorative plates and dishes, to larger gifts such as furniture or vacations, opportunities abound for finding the ideal present. For instance, you could consider fulfilling a dream your partner has to swim with dolphins, and ask the question when you are both in the water with the graceful animals swimming around you. Alternatively, how about a hot air balloon ride over some beautiful scenery such as the Californian vineyards or even an African savannah if you want to go really exotic! Is this really something worth upsetting the person you love about? Is it something that you can’t reach a compromise with? Isn’t it possible that you are being just a tiny bit unreasonable? Which leads to the next best piece of marriage advice – and that is to look first to your own actions before you start assigning the role of the unreasonable party to your partner. 

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