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This part of the marriage ceremony would seem to be part of an older tradition in which the husband became the new owner of any property or valuables owned by the bride before her marriage. He would also have sole custody of any children they would have in the event that the marriage broke down in the future. Again, listening, positive encouragement and strong lines of communication are essential for healthy growth. If kids are having difficulties with social relationships, schoolwork, after-school activities, or anything seems out of balance, it’s important for both parents to understand the changes taking place. Plan a trip together, or take a mini vacation where you can remember your commitment to one another. This can help re-amplify your marriage, creating the opportunity to rekindle some romance and the positive moments and times you’ve shared together. Remembering your commitment to one another can be a turning point in saving your marriage, a time to honor and cherish. Once again, the bride becomes part of her new husband’s household. Alternatives to Marriage Some women, known as concubines, had sexual relationships with a married man. They oftentimes would live together. Any children of their union were considered illegitimate, since their own relationship was not legitimate. Think about getting an engraved set of champagne glasses with the couple’s name on it, or a hand-embroidered decorative pillow. Many craft stores can offer customized products and accessories that can have a stronger meaning. Offering a signature gift with a favorite photo attached is a wonderful way to highlight the special day. Why do so many couples choose to make it the place for their big day (or night as the case may be in Vegas)? There are two very different opinions on Las Vegas as a wedding venue. Some people feel that a Las Vegas marriage is something that should avoided like all-in-one tight white suits. Then there are others who see the city as a place to have a wedding that’s unlike anything they’d probably envisaged their own ceremony to be.
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