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However, it may not necessarily be an easy thing for you especially if you are new to such field. So, take the time out to learn about metal detecting first before finally buying your equipment. If you are not extremely eager to make metal detecting a regular part of your lifestyle then it is wise that you find a metal detector that is not too costly. Picking The Perfect Time Moreover, keep in mind to do your metal detecting during times when there are lesser people at the beach. This will give you more areas to cover and certainly more chances to be at peace during your activity. You can even reach places that are closest to the shore and even at the remote areas of the beach to ensure you that you will not be disturbed by anyone during your metal detecting. If you have the chance, put your metal detector and your metal detecting skills into practice. Also, try to know the message your detector is telling you. If you are already familiar with your metal detector and you are armed with the necessary knowledge and expertise, you can now proceed to the next important factor which is identifying great spots to do your treasure hunting. Spend some time with older hunters in your area because they may know some places, like caves and old foundations, where treasures might have been hidden. 3. Find some old maps of your locality. This is another way to find 'out of the way spots'. To get maps, search at garage sales and local flee markets. However, with these areas, you may normally need a much more specialized metal detector in order to optimize your search. Really, metal detecting is unquestionably a cool and amusing activity every person introduced to it will surely enjoy. And one such way of truly enjoying this hobby is by not having to limit yourself with your surroundings. So grab a big bucket to drop your finds and set your detector's all-metal search option on. CONJURE GRIDS IN YOUR HEAD What you can do is draw an imaginary line in your head between the low tide mark and the high tide mark, then extend 10-12 feet from each side starting from the middle. You can use both sides as your search zones, and treat them as your demarcation lines.
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