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Buying boxes and containers from hardware stores or supermarkets is a good way to get sturdy, reusable containers for your new house, but may not prove to be cost effective if you've got lots of belongings. Boxes are a good, cheap alternative to plastic containers and can be bought from websites, along with tape and stickers to mark your boxes. Garages and basements also, while accessible, may also need to be used for other things. It is possible for your belongings to be damaged in storage, but highly unlikely you'll be given a list of belongings that you're checking in and you should check at that time that everything is secure, sealed and stacked or placed well. Before Moving Anything In Before moving any of your belongings into your new home, its important to make sure that everything is as it should be. You may have had a list of repairs you expected or this may be the first time you've seen the house empty. Take some time to go around with a notepad and check all of the sockets for obvious signs of wear and tear and look for damage that you might be otherwise liable for. If you overestimate the space you need, you'll not get a refund, and find that space is wasted especially, if you book a larger van than you require. Too small and you may find that your belongings don't fit, or that you get charged extra. You also might not get to move that day, if they have to unload one van and reload another, or book another transport for your belongings. One Month to Go At one month out, you should consider booking your van. This is important because the longer you leave your bookings, the harder it may be to get an affordable moving company. This also goes for moving, if you're allowing a firm to pack and move you. Packing firms may also need plenty of warning to be booked, so ensure you investigate this fully before committing to booking them with a month of time. You may also want to consider a 'house cooling' party use paper plates and disposable cups and make an adventure of it you could even talk your family and friends into some last minute packing/painting help. You can also ensure that any schools, health practitioners or other regular visitors or places you regularly go to have your new contact details, if necessary. 

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