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Arranging Storage Sometimes, there isn't enough room for all of your belongings and arranging storage, on top of moving can be a blessing in disguise or a nightmare. So you need another, convenient, cheap option for your furniture. Storage companies are basically large warehouses or lockups that you can rent and range in size from a box room to an area large enough to store a complete house. Moving for a job, more space, or a change of scenery, its one of the most stressful, and rewarding times for the majority of people. From moving a few doors down, to across a continent, moving house is one of the most important things, and sometimes the hardest to organize. From collecting supplies - buying boxes and tape, to packing your house up, cleaning and moving to your new home, its an adventure for all involved. Take some time to go around with a notepad and check all of the sockets for obvious signs of wear and tear and look for damage that you might be otherwise liable for. Ensure that any cupboards are empty, free of damp, mold or bad smells, and keep a close note of what where the electricity, water and gas stopcocks are. Declutter Before Packing to Move Decluttering before packing is an important aspect of preparing to move - because it allows you to decide what you'll need for the new house, what you'll have room for, and what you won't. The most important thing to remember when de-cluttering is that you'll be making room and getting rid of emotional baggage, whilst lowering your moving bills. They can clean your house, after your belongings are packed and have professional methods for removing stains, marks and other tricky marks on walls, doors and carpets. Even if you're moving yourself, you may need to hire a professional cleaning firm to fulfill your contract with your landlord. At one month to go you should also start investigating utilities and other things that will transfer with you - moving is a good time to take advantage of any offers that you might get with your phone, electricity, Internet or gas. The move itself should be planned the same way as you would any other move but remember, the more you're moving, the more petrol you'll need. A 400 mile move MAY end up costing you the same as renting a van in the UK a move out of the country may be cost prohibitive, and it may be easier just to sell everything and start fresh when you get there. 

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