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Moving a HOUSE!!

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These can be wrapped in sheets or dust covers and placed, with padding around them, in the van once the boxes are in. Most removal companies bind layers to stop them from shifting or falling, so you can secure your monitors, and computers in the same way. Fragile items, such as ornaments and dishes can go in polystyrene bead lined boxes, or be packed in bubble wrap, but its important to remember that this will cut down on the volume of the items you can fit into the box, and its still no guarantee that they will survive the move. It should outline what your responsibilities are to do with the house - whether you'll be responsible for the house - whether you'll be required to keep the garden, if you have one - what bills your rental cost covers, what taxes and fees to do with the house you'll be required to pay and how long your lease is for. Its also a good time to ensure that everything that you've been meaning to repair is taken care of is actually done a faulty stair tread, banister or fence in the garden may only be a minor annoyance to you, but can be a danger to anyone looking at the house. Its hard to sell your house without help, but one of the biggest tips you can take to ensure your house sells is to make sure you've removed your 'imprint'. De-cluttering can be considered essential or heartless - but either way, moving house is one of the best times to do a proper de-clutter - in fact sometimes, its the only 'spring clean' that some people do. And while its always good to hang onto things of sentimental value, do you really need a newspaper from 1985 with an article about something that you needed to follow up within a week of the printing? You may also want to start making a list of any items you'll need when you move to your new house anything you've ran out of or will use before the move, so that you can buy more once you're in your new house. You should also consider, if possible, cleaning any rooms you're not going to use much. Give them a through scrubbing it will save you having to do it (or hire someone to do it) on the last few days before your move. Unpacking takes place over six to twelve weeks, depending on your family, and you may find that you have to permanently store items in a garage, basement or attic, because there just isn't the room for them. Most of your utilities should be on and connected for moving but you may find that your Internet and phone, cable or satellite take several weeks to be reconnected. 

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